Demand adjustments created when demand history quantities are entered or changed using the Demand History Adjustments screen, are priced as follows:

  • A demand adjustment created by changing a demand history quantity where there are existing base demand and/or demand adjustment quantities for the item/dimensions/forecast customer group/forecast sales group in any current or past forecast period within the 'Number of sales price calculation periods' forecasting parameter, has its price calculated as the weighted average sales price of these demand history quantities.

    The weighted average sales price is calculated by dividing the total of the Amounts on the respective demand history records by the total of the Quantities on the records.

  • The price for a new demand history quantity entered where there are existing demand quantities for the item/dimensions/forecast customer group/forecast sales group in any current or past forecast period within the 'Number of sales price calculation periods' forecasting parameter, is calculated as above.

  • The price for a new demand history quantity entered where there are no existing demand quantities for the item/dimensions/forecast customer group/forecast sales group in any current or past forecast period within the 'Number of sales price calculation periods' forecasting parameter, is set equal to the Base sales price for the item.

A demand adjustment created when a record with ModelId equal to the 'Demand adjustments' model specified in the forecasting parameters is imported using the 'Forecast data' entity has its price set to the price on the imported record if this is >0, otherwise the price is set equal to the Base sales price for the item.

A forecast adjustment created when a forecast quantity is entered or changed using the Forecast Review screen or by importing an offline spreadsheet, is priced as follows:

  • A forecast adjustment created by changing an existing forecast quantity has its price set to the price of the existing forecast record.

  • A forecast adjustment created by entering a new forecast quantity where there are base demand and/or demand history adjustment quantities for the item/dimensions/forecast customer group/forecast sales group in any current or past forecast period within the 'Number of sales price calculation periods' forecasting parameter, has its price calculated as the weighted average sales price of these demand history quantities.

  • The price for a new forecast quantity entered where there are no existing demand history quantities for the item/dimensions/forecast customer group/forecast sales group in any current or past forecast period within the 'Number of sales price calculation periods' forecasting parameter, is set equal to the Base sales price for the item.

Note:  It is not recommended that forecast adjustment records are imported using the 'Forecast data' entity because no forecast audit records will be created when they are imported.