We often get asked if Demand Forecasting is compatible with a specific D365FO release.

We don’t formally certify each Demand Forecasting release as being compatible with every D365FO release. Rather we have architected the product so that it is separate from the underlying D365FO product as much as possible.  It is therefore as D365FO update-compatible as possible.


As a result we do not need to publish a schedule of when Demand Forecasting releases will be certified on any release of D365FO.


We do however, from time to time, conduct internal testing of particular D365FO releases with the current Demand Forecasting release if we have determined that it is needed. This is usually when Microsoft releases new product features, or makes other product enhancements or feature changes that affect grids, lookups or dropdowns, or any other components Demand Forecasting relies on.


For example, testing on D365FO Release 10.0.24 was undertaken due to some changes in the pricing engine (trade agreements). We subsequently released an updated version of Demand Forecasting R9.1 which included a specific change to eliminate this issue due to changes within D365FO. This was the last time we have had a known compatibility issue with Demand Forecasting and a D365FO release.


We recommend that any customer on an older Demand Forecasting release who wishes to upgrade to the latest D365FO release, also upgrades to the latest Demand Forecasting release. This can be done either prior to, or at the same time as, their D365FO upgrade.  


Finally, no matter whether in a new customer installation, or an existing customer upgrading to the latest D365FO and/or Demand Forecasting release, we strongly recommend full end to end testing of all critical Demand Forecasting functionality, and any upgrade procedures that will be required in the production environment, is completed in a UAT/Sandbox environment prior to any production upgrades or new deployments of Demand Forecasting.