There are 5 possible reasons for this:

  1. No customers have been assigned  Forecast Customer and/or Forecast Sales Groups.  In this case Generate Demand History will display error messages for every customer that has source demand records.
  2. There are no demand history records for any items with valid Forecast Item Groups assigned to them.  This can only happen if demand history has been imported.
  3. One or more items have different forecasting (sales or inventory) units from that specified on their respective Forecast Item Groups, and there is no unit conversion set up between the units.  These will be reported in the 'batch history' log (not the batch log) generated by the previous Generate Base Forecast run. Set up the unit conversions and rerun Generate Base Forecast.
  4. There are records left on the ForecastBaseCreateTaskTableFSL table due to this or a previous run of Generate Base Forecast having been interrupted by an external factor (such as an AOS stoppage).  This table will always be empty after a successful Generate Base Forecast run, so if there are any records in it, manually delete them all and  rerun Generate Base Forecast.  If the problem persists you should log a call with us.
  5. The forecast sub-models aren't attached to the 'main' forecast model. Please refer to the Setup/ Forecast Models section of the User Guide.